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  • Fostering Manufacturing-led Transformation in the Changed External Context: Relevance and Effectiveness of Industrial Policy Interventions, Economic and Political Weekly, LIX: 24 August 2024: 31-38.

  • Manufacturing-led Transformation for Realizing India’s Development Aspirations in the Context of a Fractured Trading System: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategic Interventions, Indian Economic Review, June 2024.

  • Unlocking India’s Potential in Industrial Revolution 4.0: National Innovation System, Demography, and Inclusive Development, Indian Public Policy Review, 2023, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 67-87

  • FDI, international trade and global value chains (GVCs): India’s GVC participation, position and value capture, Asia and the Global Economy, 3(2), 2023, (jointly with Isha Chawla)

  • Reviving the International Financial Transactions Tax for the G20, T20 Policy Briefs, June 13, 2023, T20 India Secretariat (jointly with Kevin Gallagher)

  • Competitive Manufacturing as the Next Engine of India's Economic Growth and Prosperity: Opportunities, Challenges and Policies, in Ashwani Mahajan (ed.), Aatmanirbhar: A Swadeshi Paradigm, New Delhi, Rupa, 33-49.

  • India’s Evolving Industrial Policy is Critical for Realizing Its Development Vision, PROMARKET, Chicago Booth – The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Spring 2023, pp.54-59.

  • Reinvigorating Global Partnership for Global South, INDIA & The World, Vol. 5, No. 6 (Special Edition), pp. 60-63.

  • Harnessing the Potential of Sustainable Industrialization in South Asia: Some Policy Lessons for Advancing SDG-9, ISID Working Paper No. 275, December 2023 (with S. Chatterjee).

  • Towards the Next Locomotive of the World Economy: Sustaining India’s Growth Momentum in a Fractured Trading System, in NITI Aayog/IDRC/GDN (2023) A Green and Sustainable Growth Agenda for the Global Economy, New Delhi: NITI Aayog

  • Competitive Manufacturing as a Driver of India’s Next Economic Transformation: Opportunities, Potential, and Policies, Nagesh Kumar, WP259, December 2022

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  • Indian Economy@75: Achievements, Gaps and Aspirations for the Indian Centenary, The Indian Economic Journal, 2022: 1-21






  • Investing in sustainable agriculture to combat hunger and poverty in South Asia, Agriculture World, (5:5), May 2019: 38-43 (with Goksu Aslan).


  • Reversing the Pre-Mature De-industrialization for Job-Creation: Lessons for ‘Make-in-India’ from Experiences of Industrialized and East Asian Countries, in A. Ghosh Dastidar et al eds. Economic Theory and Policy amidst Global Discontent: Essays in Honour of Deepak Nayyar, New Delhi: Routledge, 2018: 389-415. Earlier version issued as RIS Discussion Paper #208


  • National Development Banks and Sustainable Infrastructure in India, in U. Kapila ed. India’s Economy--Pre-liberalisation to GST: Essays in Honour of Raj Kapila, Academic Foundation, 2017; an earlier South Asia version, National Development Banks and Sustainable Infrastructure in South Asia, GEGI WP 003, Global Economic Governance Initiative, Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University (in collaboration with P. Keshari and Rohan Ray)


  • Sustainable Development Goals and South Asia: Implementation Challenges and the Role of Global and Regional Partnerships, in Mustafizur Rahman and Fahmida Khatun eds. Reimagining South Asia in 2030, Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue, 2017: 62-74.






  • Competitive Advantages of Indian Multinationals in M. Thite, A. Wilkinson, and P. Budhwar, eds. Emerging Indian Multinationals: Strategic Players in a Multipolar World, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2016: 102-129



  • South Asian Economic Integration: Potential, Challenges and the Way Forward, in V. Chandra ed. India and South Asia: Exploring Regional Perceptions, Pentagon Press, 2015: 153-169


  • Structural Change, Industrialization, and Poverty Reduction: The Case of India, in Wim Naude, Adam Szirmai, and Nobuya Horaguchi eds. Structural Change and Industrial Development in the BRICS, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015: 199-242 (with A. Aggarwal).


  • MDGs and the Post-2015 Development Agenda: A South Asian Perspective, in T. Endow et al eds. Human Development in the Global South: Emerging perspectives in an era of post-millennium development goals, New Delhi: Institute of Human Development and Manak Publications, 2015:23-40.


  • Reforms and Global Economic Integration of the Indian Economy: Emerging Patterns, Challenges, and Future Directions, in Ashima Goyal (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the Indian Economy in the 21st Century: Understanding the Inherent Dynamism, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2014: 209-48.


  • A Regional Financial Architecture for Sustaining Asia-Pacific's Dynamism in the Post-crisis World, in Akmal Hussain and Muchkund Dubey (eds.) Democracy, Sustainable Development, and Peace: New Perspectives on South Asia, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2014: 437-50.


  • National Innovation System and the Indian Software Industry Development, in S.V. Ramani (ed.) Innovation in India: Combining Economic Growth with Inclusive Development, New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2014: 143-185.


  • Reforms and Global Economic Integration of the Indian Economy: Challenges and Future Directions for Indo-US Relations, in H. Haqqani (ed.) India and the Global Economy, Washington DC: Hudson Institute and ORF, 2014


  • Towards an Asian Economic Community? in G. Capannelli and M. Kawai, eds. (2014), The Political Economy of Asian Regionalism, Tokyo: Springer for ADB Institute, 169-184.


  • Foreign direct and portfolio investment flows and development: A perspective on Indian experience, in Uma Kapila (ed.) Indian Economy Since Independence (new revised 24th edition), New Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2013: 713-34


  • Trade, Capital Flows and Balance of Payments: Trends, Challenges and Policy Options for India, UNESCAP-SSWA Development Papers 1303, March 2013, available at




  • Intellectual Property Rights, Technology and Economic Development: Experiences of Asian Countries, in Christopher May (ed.) The Political Economy of Intellectual Property Rights, Vol. III, 2011, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham: 209-26.




  • India’s outward foreign direct investments in steel industry in a Chinese comparative perspective, Industrial and Corporate Change (Oxford), 2009, (with Alka Chadha), July 2009.


  • FDI and Economic Development: Indian Experience in Global Comparative Perspective, in S.R. Hashim et al (eds.) 2009. Indian Industrial Development and Globalization: Essays in Honour of Professor S.K. Goyal, New Delhi: ISID and Academic Foundation: 409-428.


  • Ínternationalization of Indian Enterprises: Patterns, Strategies, Ownership Advantages, and Implications, Asian Economic Policy Review (Wiley-Blackwell), 3(2), December 2008: 242-261.


  • India’s Economic Engagement with East Asia: Trends and Prospects, in K. Kesavapany et al eds. 2008. Rising India and Indian Communities in East Asia, Singapore: ISEAS: 107-129. 


  • Relevance and Challenges of Broader Regionalism in Asia, India Quarterly (ICWA), LXIV (1), January-March 2008: 79-105.


  • ASEAN FTAs and Prospects of Broader Regional Cooperation in Asia, Japan Spotlight, March/April 2008: 34-36.


  • India’s Look East Policy: Achievement and Challenges, India’s National Security-Annual Review 2008, (Satish Kumar, Editor), New Delhi: KW Publishers: 370-381.


  • East Asian Infrastructure Development in a Comparative Global Perspective: An Analysis of RIS Infrastructure Index, RIS Discussion Paper #135, 2008, available at (with Prabir De).


  • Potential and Challenges of East Asian Cooperation, Economic and Political Weekly XLII(44), 3 November 2007: 23-26.


  • Internationalization of R&D Activity and Developing Countries, Research Policy (North-Holland/ Elsevier), 36(8) October 2007: 1291-94.


  • Towards Broader Regional Cooperation in Asia, Discussion Paper, Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Initiative, UNDP Regional Centre in Colombo, 2007.



  • Regional Economic Integration, Foreign Direct Investment and Efficiency-Seeking Industrial Restructuring in Asia: The Case of India, RIS-DP # 123, June 2007,


  • Foreign Direct Investment, in Kaushik Basu ed. The Oxford Companion to Economics in India, New Delhi: Oxford University Press 2007.


  • India and broader economic integration in Asia: An Agenda for the East Asia Summit, in Atish Sinha and Madhup Mohta eds. Indian Foreign Policy: Challenges and Opportunities, Foreign Policy Institute and Academic Foundation 2007: 383-406.


  • Relevance of ‘Policy Space’ for Development: Implications for Multilateral Trade Negotiations RIS Discussion Paper #120-2007, (by Nagesh Kumar and Kevin P. Gallagher).


  • Emerging TNCs: trends, patterns and determinants of outward FDI by Indian Enterprises, Transnational Corporations, 16(1), April 2007: 1-26. New York and Geneva: UN.



  • Infrastructure Availability, FDI Inflows and their Export-orientation: A cross-country exploration, Indian Economic Journal, 54:1 (June 2006): 125-140.


  • Reforms, Global Integration and Economic Development: India. Public Policy Research (Blackwell, London) 13: 3 (November 2006): 138-146. 


  • India and the Asian Economic Community: Relevance, Approaches and Prospects for Pan-Asian Integration, Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, 1(2) 2006: 90-104.


  • National Innovation Systems and India’s IT Capability: are there any lessons for ASEAN newcomers?, in Bengt-Ake Lundvall, P. Interakumnerd and Jan Vang, Asia’s Innovation Systems in Transition, Chaltenham, and Northamption: Edward Elgar 2006: 227-56 (with K.J. Joseph).


  • Multilateral Trade Negotiations and Economic Diplomacy, in I.P. Khosla ed. Economic Diplomacy, New Delhi: Konark Publishers for IIC, 2006: 74-81.


  • Liberalization, outward orientation and in-house R&D activity of multinational and local firms: A quantitative exploration for Indian manufacturing, Research Policy (North Holland), 34:4 (2005): 441-460 (with A. Aggarwal).


  • Export of Software and Business Process Outsourcing from Developing Countries: Lessons from the Indian Experience, Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Review, 1(1), 2005: 91-110 (with K.J. Joseph).


  • Performance Requirements as Tools of Development Policy: Lessons from Experiences of Developed and Developing Countries, in Kevin Gallagher ed. Putting Development First: The Importance of Policy Space in the WTO and International Financial Institutions, London: Zed Press 2005: 179-94.


  • Foreign Direct Investment, Externalities and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Some Empirical Explorations, in Edward M. Graham (editor), Multinationals and Foreign Investment in Economic Development, Palgrave 2005: 42-84 (with J.P. Pradhan).


  • Towards a Broader Asian Community: Agenda for the East Asia Summit, RIS Discussion Paper #100-2005,


  • Liberalization, Foreign Direct Investment Flows and Development: Indian Experience in the 1990s, Economic and Political Weekly, 40(14, 2 April 2005): 1459-69.


  • A broader Asian Community and a Possible Roadmap, Economic and Political Weekly, 40(36, 3 September 2005): 3926-3931.


  • Managing FDI in a Globalizing Economy: India, in Douglas Brooks and Hal Hill, Managing FDI in Globalizing Economy: Asian Experiences, ADB and Palgrave, 2004: 119-152.


  • Use and Effectiveness of Performance Requirements: What can be learnt from experiences of developed and developing countries? in UNCTAD, The Development Dimension of FDI: Policy and Rule-making Perspectives, United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2003: 59-78. 


  • Investment on WTO Agenda: A Developing Country Perspective and Way Forward for Cancun Ministerial Conference, Economic and Political Weekly, 38(30), July 26, 2003: 3177-3188.


  • Export Competitiveness in Knowledge-based Industries: A Firm-Level Analysis of Indian Manufacturing, RIS DP# 43, 2003, (with J. Pradhan).


  • Flying Geese Theory and Japanese Foreign Direct Investments in South Asia: Trends, Explanations and Future Prospects, Journal of International Economic Studies 15 (2001): 179-92.


  • Determinants of Location of Overseas R&D Activity of Multinational Enterprises: The Case of US and Japanese Corporations, Research Policy (North Holland), 30 (2001): 159-174.


  • Indian Software Industry Development: National and International Perspective, Economic and Political Weekly, 36(45), November 10-16, 2001: 4278-90.


  • WTO’s Emerging Investment Regime: Way Forward for Doha Ministerial Meeting, Economic and Political Weekly, 36(33), August 18, 2001: 3151-58.


  • India’s Trade in 2020: A Mapping of Relevant Factors, RIS Discussion Paper # 10/2001,


  • National Innovation Systems and the Indian Software Industry Development, A background paper for the World Industrial Development Report 2002, UNIDO, Vienna, February 2001.


  • Host Country Policies, WTO regime and the Global Patterns of FDI Inflows: Recent Quantitative Studies and India’s Strategic Response, Economic and Political Weekly, 6 January 2001: 39-50.


  • Developing Countries in International Division of Labour in Software and Service Industry: Lessons from Indian Experience, A Background Paper for the World Employment Report 2001, ILO, Geneva, September 2000.


  • Emerging WTO Issues and Challenges: Imperatives for South Asia, South Asia Economic Journal, 1(1), March 2000:5-18.


  • Multinational Enterprises and M&As in India: Patterns and Implications, Economic and Political Weekly 35, 5 August 2000: 2851-58.


  • Economic Reforms and their Macro-economic Impact, Economic and Political Weekly, 35(10), 4 March 2000: 803-12.


  • Foreign Direct Investment, Regional Economic Integration and Industrial Restructuring in Asia: Trends, Patterns and Prospects, Occasional Monograph #62, New Delhi: RIS. 2000.


  • Relevance of a Clearing and Payments Arrangement for the IOR-ARC Region, RIS Research Monograph, New Delhi: RIS, 2000, (with S.K. Mohanty).


  • Small Information Technology Services, Employment and Entrepreneurship Development: Some Explorations into Indian Experience, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 43(4): 2000: 935-48.


  • Explaining the Geography and Depth of International Production: The Case of US and Japanese Multinational Enterprises, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv (Review of World Economics), 136(3), 2000: 442-477.


  • Labour Abundance and Global Patterns of Investments and Trade by Multinationals: Implications for India, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 42(4), 1999: 969-79.


  • Trends, Patterns and Determinants of Overseas R&D Activity of Multinational Enterprises: Evidence from US and Japanese MNEs, Development Engineering (Tokyo), 1999, Vol. 5:21-36.


  • Multinational Enterprises, overseas R&D Activity and the Global Technological Order, Occasional Paper #56, 1999, RIS, New Delhi; ISBN 81-7122-070-3.


  • Foreign Direct Investment Policy and Institutions in India, in proceedings of the UN-ESCAP seminar on Foreign Direct Investment Promotion Policy, Yerevan, Armenia, 13-15 January 1999.


  • Multinational Enterprises, Regional Economic Integration and Export-platform Production in the Host Countries: An Empirical Analysis for the US and Japanese Corporations, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv  (Review of World Economics, Kiel), 1998 (134:3), pp.: 450-83.


  • Technology Generation and Technology Transfers in the World Economy: Recent Trends and Implications for Developing Countries, Science, Technology and Society (Sage) 3(2),1998:265-306. 


  • Liberalisation and Changing Patterns of Foreign Direct Investments: Has India’s Relative Attractiveness as a Host of FDI Improved? Economic and Political Weekly, 33, 30 May 1998: 1321-29.


  • India, Paris Convention and TRIPs, Economic and Political Weekly, Sept. 5-12, 1998:2334-5.


  • Foreign Direct Investments and Technology Flows to Developing Countries: Trends and Determinants in the Proceedings of the Third EU-LDC Trade and Capital Relations Workshop on External Resources for Development, Netherlands Economic Institute, Rotterdam, 1998.


  • Intellectual Property Protection, Market Orientation and Location of Overseas R&D Activities by Multinational Enterprises, World Development, (Pergamon), 25(4), April 1996: 673-688.


  • Firm Size, Opportunities for Adaptation, and In-house R&D Activity in Developing Countries: The Case of Indian Manufacturing, Research Policy (North Holland), 25, 1996:713-722 (with M. Saqib).


  • A Multilateral Regime on Investments: A Note on Understanding the Developing Countries’ Concerns, a paper for the International Workshop in FDI, technology transfer and export-orientation in developing countries, Maastricht, November 15-16, 1996.



  • India: Industrialization, Liberalization and Inward and Outward Foreign Direct Investment, in John H. Dunning and R. Narula (editors) Foreign Direct Investment and Governments: Catalysts for Economic Restructuring, London and New York: Routledge, 1996, 348-379. 


  • Foreign Direct Investment, Technology Transfer and Exports of Developing Countries: Trends and Policy Implications, UNIDO document no. ID/WG.542/6(SPEC.); Vienna: UNIDO.


  •  EU and South Asia: Prospects for Trade, Investment and Technology Flows, EU/LDC News (Rotterdam: NEI), 2(2), 1995:12-15.


  • Changing Character of Foreign Direct Investment from Developing Countries: Case Studies from Asia, UNU/INTECH Disc. Paper #9516, 1995.


  • Determinants of Export-Orientation of Foreign Production by U.S. Multinationals: An Inter-Country Analysis, Journal of International Business Studies, 1994, 25(1), 141-156.


  • Firm Size, Technology and Export Behaviour in Developing Countries: The Case of Indian Enterprises, The Journal of Development Studies, (Frank Cass), 1994, 31 (2), 289-309 (with N.S. Siddharthan).


  • Regional Trading Blocks, Industrial Reorganization and Foreign Direct Investments: The Case of Single European Market, World Competition (Geneva), 18(2), December 1994.


  • Developing Countries and the International Division of Labour in Design Engineering and Construction Services: The Case of India, RIS Occasional Monograph No. 45, New Delhi: RIS, 1994 (with Sundeep Waslekar).


  • ‘India’ in Sneh Chamrik and Susantha Goonatilake, editors, Technological Independence: The Asian Experience, Tokyo: UNU Press, 1994:14-79 (jointly with Sukhamoy Chakravarty, et al.).


  • Biotechnologies and Sustainable Development: Potential and Constraints, in Michael C. Howard (ed.) Asia's Environmental Crisis, Boulder: Westview Press, 1993, 169-180.


  • Single European Market, Multinationals and Industrial Reorganisation: Implications for Developing Countries, RIS Occasional Monograph No. 37, New Delhi: RIS, 1992.


  • Role of Government Intervention in the Commercialisation of Biotechnology: A Case Study from India, in S. Visalakshi, and S. Mohan (eds.) ELISA as Diagnostic Tool: Prospects and Implications, New Delhi: Wiley Eastern, 1992, 73-82.


  • Resource Flows and Foreign Direct Investments in Developing Countries: Trends and Prospects, RIS Digest 9(3), 1992: 43-56.


  • Mode of Rivalry and Comparative Behaviour of Multinational and Local Enterprises: The Case of Indian Manufacturing, Journal of Development Economics, (North Holland), 35, 1991, 381-92.


  • Mobility Barriers and Profitability of Multinational and Local Enterprises in Indian Manufacturing, Journal of Industrial Economics (Oxford: Basil Blackwell), 38(4) 1990, 449-63.


  • Determinants of Interindustry variation in Propensity of Intra-firm Trade: Behaviour of US Multinationals, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv (Review of World Economics, Kiel), 126(3) 1990, 581-91, (with N.S. Siddharthan).


  • Multinational Enterprises and Host Country Regulations: Reflections from the Indian Experience, in Michael C. Howard and Ted Wheelwright, (eds.) The Struggle for Development: Essays in the Memory of Ernst Utrecht, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, 1990, 105- 119.


  • Cost of Imported and Local Technologies: Implications for Technology Policy, Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay), 25, January 13, 1990, 103-106.


  • Foreign Controlled Enterprises in Indian Industry, OP#8, Bombay: Exim Bank of India, April 1990.


  • Determinants of Traditional and New Forms of Foreign Investments: The Case of Indian Manufacturing, RIS Occasional Paper No.24, New Delhi: RIS, 1989.


  • Foreign Controlled Enterprises in Indian Manufacturing: Overall and Sectoral Shares, Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay), 23, November 26, 1988, M-167-71.


  • Technology imports and Local Research and Development in Indian manufacturing, The Developing Economies (Tokyo), 25(3), 1987, 220-233.


  • Intangible Assets, Internalisation and Foreign Production: Direct Investments and Licensing in Indian Manufacturing, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv (Review of World Economics, Kiel), 123(2), 1987, 325-345. 


  • Foreign Investment and Export Orientation: The case of India, in Seiji Naya et al.(eds.) Direct Foreign Investment and Export Promotion: Policies and Experience in Asia, Honolulu, Hawaii: East West Center, 1987, 357-382.


  • Technology Policy in India: An Overview of its Evolution and An Assessment, in P.R. Brahmananda and V.R. Panchamukhi (eds.), The Development Process of the Indian Economy, Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House, 1987, 461-92.


  • Foreign Direct Investments among Developing Countries and the Cost of Technology Transfer, Economic Quarterly (Berlin), 22(3), 1987, 3-16.


  • Transfer of Industrial Technology to Africa: Prospects of South-South Cooperation, in RIS, The African Economic Development: An Agenda For Future, New Delhi: 1987, 268-285.


  • India's Economic and Technical Cooperation with Co-developing Countries, in RIS, South-South Economic Cooperation, New Delhi: Radiant, 1987, 181-200.


  • Biotechnology in India, Development: Seeds of Change (Special issue on Biotechnology), Rome, SID, 1987:4, 51-6. 


  • Cost of Technology Imports: The Indian Experience, Economic and Political Weekly, 20, August 31, 1985, M-103-114.


  • Foreign Participation, Market Structure and Employee Compensation Behaviour in Indian Manufacturing, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, (New Delhi), 21(1) 1986, 227-309.


  • Public Policy, Marris Model and Corporate Growth in India, The Indian Economic Journal, (Bombay), 32, 1984, 74-83. 


  • Social Cost Benefit Analysis of an Export-oriented Project with Foreign Capital in India, Industry and Development, (New York: United Nations), No.10, 1984, 39-46. (UN Sales No.E.84.II.B.1).


  • Small Scale Sector and Big Business, New Delhi: Indian Institute of Public Administration, 1984, 161pp. (with S.K. Goyal and K.S. Chalapati Rao).


  • Multinational Corporations in Less Developed Countries: A case study of Indian Drugs and Pharmaceutical Industry, Internationales Asienforum, 14, 1983, 175-194 (with K. M. Chenoy).


  • Regulating Multinational Monopolies in India, Economic and Political Weekly, 27, May 29, 1982, 909-917.

© 2020 by Nagesh Kumar

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